Scheduled Operations module

The Scheduled Operations facility was introduced with EMu 4.3. It enables the scheduling of operations to be run immediately or at a specified date and time. Operations are scheduled in the Scheduled Operations module, which is accessed by selecting Operations in the Command Centre:

With the Scheduled Operations facility it is possible to define:

  • The type of operation to run
  • The module to apply the operation to
  • A time to commence the operation
  • People to notify when the operation is complete

A scheduled operation is defined and stored as a record in the Scheduled Operations module.

When a scheduled operation is run, any files created during the operation are listed in the Result Files table on the Operation tab. Result files can be viewed and saved.

Audit logs are produced for all scheduled operations, allowing suitably authorised users to search / view the results of all operations performed by all users.

EMu supports three types of scheduled operation: